About Neuroförbundet

Neuroförbundet is an association focusing on neurology. We want to make life easier for everyone who lives with a neurological diagnosis. Our goal is for people who live with neurological diagnoses to have the same opportunities, rights and responsibilities as everyone else.

Our vision

Our vision

A society where everyone with neurological diagnoses lives life to the fullest.

Our mission

Our mission

We work for equal rights and opportunities for everyone with neurological diagnoses.

Our core values

Our core values

Hope for the future, credibility, and positive change.

Focus of our work

We raise money for research and rehabilitation and point out the areas where we think more resources are required.

The money that we receive to run our operations comes in the form of donations, grants, membership fees and bequests. Neuroförbundet’s operations are concentrated on three general areas where we judge that we can do the most good:

  • Advice and support for members, via diagnosis support, legal aid, education and talks.
  • Support for our local associations, in the form of courses, conferences, system support, communication channels and information material.
  • Various ways of shaping opinion and influencing decision-makers, including creating reports, surveys and consultation responses, lobbying politicians and writing debate articles.

What do we want to achieve?

We want to help increase knowledge among decision-makers and the general public about neurological diagnoses and the reality of living with a chronic diagnosis. We want to lobby decision-makers about the need for equal and improved neurological health care and opportunities for rehabilitation nationwide. Through fundraising campaigns, we want to help finance research and activities for our members.

How Neuro works

Neuroförbundet is a member of various collaborative organisations and networks, in Sweden and internationally, where we combine forces to steer social development, neurological health care and rehabilitation in a direction that benefits everyone living with a neurological diagnosis.

Read a Summery of Neurorapporten 2022

This report aims to investigate how access to assistive devices for people with neurological conditions is impacted by regional policies and directives. Our following conclusions are based on our members’ experiences and our survey that was sent to our members during January 2022. This report is a follow-up on one of our earlier reports, Neurorapporten 2017.

Read a summary of The Neuro Report 2020

Rehabilitation is about restoring and retaining abilities. Through rehabilitation, individuals can train up those abilities and functions that have the ability to be trained. These can be physical as well as behavioural, cognitive and psychological skills.